April 2, 2018
/ News

Cate Gaynor, a family nurse practitioner and clinical director at Greater Portland Health, spoke to Medicaid expansion supporters today in Augusta. Mainers gathered to talk with legislators about ending delays to the recently passed Medicaid expansion referendum. She discussed the direct impact the expansion would have on her patients at Greater Portland Health where nearly 1500 more patients would receive necessary medical care, vital prescription coverage, and preventative screenings.

Every other state in New England has expanded Medicaid and received better than 9-to-1 matching funds from the federal government. The LePage administration has until April 3rd to submit the expansion proposal plan to the federal government and until July 2nd to have the expanded care available to eligible Maine residents. Estimates show that roughly 70,000 more Mainers will qualify for MaineCare under the expansion.

"No one should have to choose between feeding a family and health care" ~Cate Gaynor, Greater Portland Health


Watch Greater Portland Health's Cate Gaynor speak at 11 minutes and 30 seconds into the video